So Elder Barton is getting transferred to Blanchard, so I'm jealous of that, Blanchard was a fun place! My new companion is Elder Smith, I don't know that much about him, besides that he is still pretty new. I'm doing good, it was a strange week, I don't really know why, but it just felt weird, and it went by way too fast. But we worked really hard this week, so I'm happy about that. Kylie's baptism is still on the 5th, so we are very excited about that, The McCune family is the best! The people that we are teaching are doing good, and hopefully we will be able to find and teach more, the work is going great here, and what I have liked here is that we really have not done any tracting, it has been referals or part member families. I like this way a lot better! :) So far I haven't heard anything about the car, president said he would see what he could do last week, so I guess we will see what happens. The weather has been nice here, it really has been a mild winter, I heard that we might get some storms in the coming days, but this is Oklahoma so you can't really trust the weather. :) It has been great out here, although I could do without the allergies, hahaha but I have stuff for it, and time is going by fast!