I'm tired...... we had to go to Seminole this morning for a doctors appointment for Elder Pearson. Seminole is a hour and a half away, and of course I have to drive..... so we get up this morning, and there is thick fog, of course there is. So I not only got to drive for a long time, but the fog was there the entire time. So what a lovely stressful trip that was, and we just got back. So yeah. But this week was pretty good. Service was fun at the museum, and since Elder Mcvey left, Elder Roundy went to transfers and Elder Williams is his new companion. On Wednesday, the Branch had a Fall Festival, and it was really fun! There was lots of games and food, and a lot of people showed up! Including some non-members. Halloween was fun, we went to a members house, and we played games there. They had a game called lightening reactions, there are these things that you hold and there is a button on them, you wait till the light turns green and the last person to push the button got shocked, we all had fun with that game, hahaha. So I can't remember all this week, I blame the stress about driving, haha. But it has been a good week.
Elder Mcvey and I |