Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Chickasha, Oklahoma- Week 68

This week has been pretty good, we have stayed pretty busy this week, on Tuesday for service at the museum it was really fun, someone donated this box full of stuff all about this guy who him and his brother traveled around doing circus acts, so we got to find out a lot about him, sorting through all that stuff (newspapers, mail, and other stuff). It sort of felt like National Treasure, there were some telegrams that we were reading, between him and some other person, and confused us. For example- "Everything is fine, I'm okay, meet me on Monday." So that was sort of strange, so we are going through more and he had a lot of pamphlets, papers, and mail from India ink, so we look at that more, and I recognize a symbol on one of them, and I'm like, oh.. he was a Mason, that's cool. Thought that was a cool thing that we learned and did on Tuesday. Wednesday we were going to do service at the animal shelter, but we got a huge storm in the morning, and we are driving in it! We couldn't see the road at all, the rain and wind was that bad, everything was just white. Luckily it didn't last all day, just the morning, so we were able to go out and work when the storm died down. On Saturday, we helped a member rebuild a shed. It was really fun, we still have a lot of work to do, but it is getting there. Lois is still doing great, we weren't able to meet with a lot of the people that we normally do this week, but we found a new investigator, and what's even better, him and his wife have 10 kids! It was really cool how we found them too. So it all started about 3 weeks ago. It was maybe around 7 at night, and we are riding around with our bikes, and we see this kid walking in the street by himself, and he is around 14 or so, and he sees us and of course thinks we are police (it happens all the time). Anyway, he comes over to us and tells us that he is lost, doesn't know how to get home, it's dark and doesn't know his address or any phone numbers, all he knows is his house is in the north side, and thinks he knows what street it is on, so yeah, lots of help. So we told him we would help him, we are pretty sure we know where he lives after talking with him more, with knowing the area. So we start our journey. And it really was, it took us about a hour to walk to his house, we found it thankfully. We gave him our number and now we started heading home, we had our bikes with us so it didn't take us that long to get back, but we get a call and it is his mom, telling us how thankful she was for finding and helping her son, her husband had been looking for him for quite a while now. So we talked with her for a little while more, and were telling her about what we do as missionaries. So that was a really cool thing that we were able to do that night. On Saturday, we went over there, and we were able to teach his dad! He already had a Book of Mormon, and his wife has relatives that are members in Oklahoma! It was awesome!  This p-day is zone p-day so we are all going up to Pauls Valley and playing flag football, should be a lot of fun. Love you!
This is my planner cover!